
Happy New Year 2018

New year, new resolutions, new hopes, new dreams. New blank pages to be filled with beautiful sketches and colours. It is the time to let go of the past. The good memories should be cherish and the unpleasant ones are to be thrown away. Aiming for the best is a good thing. You should have your specific goals and dreams so you have a clearer vision in your life. Please note that in life, it is better to have positive vibes more than the other because surely they are hurdles of life to test your limits. If you kept on moving, although huge tides kept try to drown you, in the end you will survive.  I got my own goals for this specific year because somehow i lost myself this couple of years since my dad passed away. I forgone my career in halt, i did nothing and i felt empty as if i don't have anyone to rely on. It was a depressing time and i can say that i am still in a recovering state. Not everyone actually knows what i'm going through because i am not the kind of perso